Modern Problems of Preventive Physical Rehabilitation of Preschool Children with Func¬tional Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System


  • Nataliya Nosova


children of preschool age, posture, preventive physical rehabilitation


Each year the number of older preschool children with functional postural disorders increases. The modernization of education creates the need of updating the process of physical rehabilitation of preschoolers with modern types of physical activity and the latest wellness approaches. Objective of the Study is to analyze and summarize scientific information on existing technologies used in the practice of physical education and rehabilitation of preschool children with functional disorders of  the locomotor system. Research Methods – theoretical analysis and generalization of literary and documentary sources included the use of a number of the following methods: the method of reconstruction, the method of apperceptions, aspect analysis, hermeneutic analysis, problem analysis. Results of the Research. In spite of the considerable amount of scientific research on the prevention and correction of preschool age disorders, recently achieved results and their undeniable value for science and practice, it can be stated that the offered technologies and methods do not fully allow to cope with the steadily increasing number of older preschool children with various functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Despite many works of scientists in the specified direction of research, the tendency to increasing the number of older preschool children with disorders of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system is the basis for finding that the above problem has been solved.

Conclusions. Prospects for further research related to the development of the concept of preventive physical rehabilitation of preschool children with functional disorders of posture in the process of physical rehabilitation of preschool institutions.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Modern Problems of Preventive Physical Rehabilitation of Preschool Children with Func¬tional Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 33, 103-108.